Moments that mean the world.
It’s in the Centre of Victorian Countryside with it’s frosty mornings and clean crisp air that’s a far stretch from the Sunshine Coast weather that I am used to. However the saying goes home is where the heart is. You see I have my little family here in the Sunshine Coast which is definitely where my main love, heart and soul lives. However having family over 2000kms away makes that place also feel like home.
In June I went on my annual holiday to Victoria to see my family, little did I know this was one of the last times I would spend with my beloved Pa my grandfather. Who was more than a grandfather he was my father when there was no other there for me. We were mates, best of mates. You know those rare people you just understand, you don’t even need to talk just being there and you get each other! Well he was definitely one of those to me and I know I was the same to him.
A story that goes around my family of when I was five years old, living in a Milk Bar my grandparents owned I used to get an ice-cream everyday well almost… It was a cornetto/drumstick! The very best, perks of living in your own Milk Bar. Anyway I went to ask my mother for an Ice-Cream – She said no. I went to my Nan – she said what did your mother say? Well no then. And lastly, crying off I went to Pa. As he scooped me up in his arms what’s the matter darling, I want an ICE CREAM! Which one lets go pick one out! This was us it was me and you against the world. Its actually 4 weeks to the day today that my world came to halt and I had that phone call that you’re no longer in your physical body. My spirits okay but my humaness has it’s moments where I can’t cope. We were so lucky to have been able to spend a few days with you. Fun family time, I know you enjoyed this day as much as everyone else. This ones for you Robin, my hero who now has wings!
Here is one of the very first photos I took, and below is the last photo of you and it happened to have me in it with you! A memory I will cherish forever. Until we meet again my friend.
Moments that last a lifetime.
So now to cheer us all up here are the residence of my Aunty’s farm the Goats! Some great personalities these girls have!
Don’t take for granted those around you, you might not have as long as you think you do with them! Much love to you!